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It's time to sell but where to begin? A real estate professional will guide you through the process. From showing your house to guiding you through escrow, a real estate broker is there to make the process as smooth and stress free as possible.

Windermere Agents Offer the Best there is to clients, including:

Knowledge of the area's market to help you set the right price.

Understanding of what buyers are looking for and what financial incentives will encourage them to buy.

Providing detailed information about your home to the thousands of other agents assisting buyers through the Multiple Listing Service.

Print, online, and social media advertising opportunities to raise interest in your home. As well as the tools offered through

Quickly separate qualified buyers from the rest so your home is only being show to serious buyers.

When prepping your house for sale there are three Cs to focus on; curb appeal, clutter, and cleanliness. Use the below check list to focus on what will take you home from humble abode to looking like a million bucks!

  • Exterior

    • Refresh paint so there are no peeling or chipped patches
    • Clear gutters and downspouts
    • Make sure there is good exterior lighting and all walkway lights and front-door lanterns work
    • Remove any moss from the roof

  • Yard

    • Mow and trim grass
    • Prune all overgrown trees and shrubs
    • Weed lawns and flower beds and replace dead or dying plants
    • Clean grease and oil stains from driveway

  • Decks/Patios

    • Paint or stain worn areas in wood decks
    • Clear grass and weeds from between cracks or seams in concrete
    • Secure and clean deck railings

  • Windows and Doors

    • Polish the hardware on the door
    • Refresh paint or stain
    • Clean glass and make sure screens are intact
    • Make sure the doorbell operates properly and there are no squeaks when the door is opened or closed
    • Make sure all windows open and close easily
    • Replace cracked windowpanes and those with broken seals

  • Entry

    • Declutter in entryway to give the appearance of spaciousness
    • Make sure lighting is bright and welcoming

  • Basement

    • Check for water penetration or dampness; call for professional repairs if necessary
    • Get rid of musty odors
    • Clean furnace and drains
    • Make sure light fixtures work
    • Arrange storage area in a neat and organized manner
    • Sweep/vacuum floor
    • Make sure stairway handrail is secure

  • Living Room/Dining Room

    • Give the room a fresh coat of paint if necessary (use neutral colors where possible)
    • Repair cracks and holes in ceiling and walls
    • Make sure all wallpaper is secure
    • Paint/stain any woodwork that is worn or chipped
    • Clean draperies and blinds and make sure they open and close smoothly
    • Deep clean carpets
    • Stage the room to its best advantage
    • Put away toys and hobby supplies and other personal items

  • Kitchen and Bathrooms

    • Make sure countertops and sinks are clean, de-cluttered, and stain-free
    • Fix dripping faucets
    • Organize pantry and cupboards so they appear clean, neat, and spacious
    • Make sure the refrigerator and freezer are defrosted and free of odors
    • Clean the oven and cook-top thoroughly
    • Remove grout and soap stains from tile
    • Replace any missing or cracked tiles or grout
    • Make sure all joints are caulked
    • Make sure all fixtures, including heat lamps and exhaust fans are operating
    • Store all supplies, such as toilet paper, shampoo bottles, and cleansers
    • Put away prescriptions, jewelry, and any items of valuable that are at risk for theft

  • Bedrooms

    • Put away toys, clothes
    • Neatly make up the beds
    • Keep all closets clean and organized and treat any odors.
    • If you are still living in the house make bed every day, put away dirty laundry, and keep bedside table clear of clutter

  • Tidy Extras

    • Plant flowers to brighten a walkway and enrich the entry
    • Remove any indoor houseplants that are brown or losing their leaves
    • Get rid of worn-out throw pillows
    • Remove all "fixer" cars, campers, and boats from the property
    • Use a critical eye when making changes, your agent can help give unbiased opinions